Detroit Area Utilities |
When you move to a new city, there's
always a lot that you need to do. It can sometimes take a while for
utilities to be activated. It's a good idea to scout ahead and
contact your new utility providers to see how you should best go
about getting your utilities set up.
You might need to show proof of address before you are allowed to
set up your utilities. You might also need a picture id as well. If
you are already established in your home, the information below can
also help you if there are any problems with your service. If you
are moving within the city, you might have to just contact your
current provider to transfer service to your new location. Also,
some providers only service parts of the city. Know if you are
leaving their coverage area and how that will affect you.
In addition, if you are planning to do any construction on your
property or dig in your yard, you should contact you local utility
companies. This is to make sure you don't dig in to any underground
wires or plumbing. You could not only seriously hurt yourself, but
also cause a major problem with utility service in your area. This
is a smart and safe way to make sure that you don't do anything
foolish while making improvements to your land. |
The following is contact information for various utility companies, city services, cable and satellite providers, and waste management services in
the city of Detroit. Use this list to ease your transition into the
city. This can also help you if you need to contact any of these utilities
that currently service your home.
Gas & Electric
Detroit Edison Company (24 hour service): 800-477-4747
Water and sewer service may be provided by local water districts.
Generally, you will not need to contact a provider.
Ameritech: 800-468-3949 Allow 1-2 weeks for installation.
Michigan Public Telephone Co.: 313-584-9457
Eastern Cable Networks Of Michigan: 313-832-2900
American Environmental Disposal: 313-342-3300
City Disposal Systems Inc.: 313-923-3300
Post Office
Nearly 30 locations. Grand Ave. 313-873-1919
The Detroit News: 313-222-6500 |
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